Parish Music Groups

St Ignatius Parish Choir

A dedicated and competent choir has been a part of St Ignatius from the beginnings of the parish.  The fact that we have a fine organ and the existence of a choir library going back many decades shows the enthusiasm and seriousness of our predecessors for a high standard of liturgical music. We sing at the 11.30am Mass most Sundays and on all the major Holy Days.  As well as leading the congregational singing, we prepare plainsong selections, occasional motets and short choral items in four-part harmony.  To join you need a good voice, enthusiasm and commitment.  You do not need to read music and there are no auditions.


Where: Presbytery
When: Friday 7:30pm


Ann Carey (077) 93751261

Junior and Youth Choirs

Since 1997 there has been a Junior Choir at St Ignatius, and there is now also a Youth Choir.  These groups practice on Fridays and sing at the 10am Mass on Sundays, as well as for some special events.  Anyone between the ages of 7 and 10 can apply to join the Junior Choir, and anyone between the ages of 11 and 16 can apply to join the youth choir – but you have to like singing!  Entrance to both choirs is by audition.


Where: Presbytery
When: Friday afternoon (Junior: 4.45pm; Youth: 6.00pm)


Ann Carey (077) 93751261

The St Ignatius Caribbean Choir

The Caribbean Choir was started in 1985 and its membership has increased over the years. We are from the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Europe and new members are always welcome (especially men!). The mission of the Choir is “evangelisation through the music ministry”.  We lead the singing at the 11.30am Mass on the third Sunday of every month. We also sing at other venues and at weddings. Come and join us and let us sing the Lord’s praise!


Where: Presbytery
When: Wednesday 8- 10 pm


Maxine Sullivan – 07956 815018

Africa Society Choir

The Africa Choir assists in the celebration of Mass by providing an African liturgical flavour. We sing on special occasions.


Where: Presbytery


Pat Enebli – (020) 8802 7443