
Enquiry Stage

Initial enquiries regarding the use of St Ignatius Church should be sent to the Parish Priest, St Ignatius Church, 27 High Road, London N15 6ND. You should send your names and addresses with contact details and the proposed date (approximately) for the wedding. Please also state your religious affiliation and whether you have ever been married before.

In order to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church, at least one of you must be a Catholic. If you do not normally worship at St Ignatius Church, please state the name of the parish where you normally attend Mass and give the reasons you wish to marry here.

Please remember that it is important to approach the church first before making your plans for a reception venue. No dates will be confirmed until you both meet with a priest from St Ignatius Church.

The Parish Secretary will be in touch very soon after receiving your letter. Normally you should start making enquiries no less than six months before the proposed wedding date.

If you have a situation that you would prefer to discuss with a priest prior to writing, the Parish Administrator will be happy to arrange an appointment over the phone.
Please note you must not have a civil marriage (Registry Office) performed prior to the Church wedding unless by special arrangements with the church.

Essential Documents

  1. A letter from your local parish priest confirming that he has no objection to you being married in this church.
  2. STATUTORY-DECLARATION-OF-FREEDOM-1-2018 (3)  for each party, notarised by a Commissioner for Oaths (Solicitor).
  3. A currently-dated baptismal certificate from the church where you were baptised (For Catholic: dated no earlier than six months before the wedding; for non-Catholic Christian: any proof of Baptism/Christening).
  4. From your local Registry office: a schedule which permits you to be married. This is applied for no later than one month before the ceremony. The schedule must be given to the priest before the ceremony.  The Legal name of the church is “St Ignatius Church”.  St Ignatius Church comes under the Haringey Registrar authority.
  5. A Marriage Course certificate (see below).
  6. A £50 cheque, addressed to WRCDT, for marriage paperwork that will involve the Chancery of the Archdiocese, such as a marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic Christian, or a non-baptised person, or a marriage ceremony outside the diocese. This is to cover administration costs for the Diocese of Westminster.

Marriage Preparation

Your wedding should be the culmination of much prayer and reflection. Your priest will guide you in this process. To assist you in this, it is required that both of you attend a Couple’s Course in a parish near to you or at one of the recommended courses of the Archdiocese.  Information about these courses is available here.

Order of Service

You may choose to have a Nuptial Mass, or a Wedding Service without the celebration of the Eucharist. Please consult with the priest helping you regarding this question.

For your convenience, please consult the Order of Service for a Nuptial Mass and the Order of Service for a Wedding Service.

There is a choice of readings and music to be made in either case.

The readings are listed in the respective Order of Service, so please click on one to view them.

All orders of service must be pre-approved by our Registrar prior to printing. Please forward the draft copy to  marked “Order of Service for [DATE]”


The music provided must be from our Parish musicians. The organist, Ann Carey may be contacted via the parish office.

Please contact the Director of Music at least four months before the date of your ceremony.

The fee for the organist is £140.

Please note that only SACRED MUSIC can be used at weddings in our church.


Please make your own arrangements regarding flowers for the ceremony.


You can employ any photographers, and they will be allowed only at designated places in the church, and the use of flash, or artificial lighting is never allowed during the ceremony. The use of video cameras is permitted with the same conditions and without additional lighting. The Organist will advise on additional charges when video cameras are used. The use of “drones” for any purpose is totally prohibited.


Under no circumstances is the use of confetti of any kind permitted either inside or outside the church.


Church paperwork: £60;
Wedding Mass or Service in the church: £220
Returnable late start deposit (forfeited if more than 30 mins late): £100
Additional fee if neither party is a parishioner: £100

Should you require further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.  Special arrangements can be made if these amounts are difficult.  It is our wish to make your Wedding Day as memorable as possible.