NEW Sunday Mass times from September 6th 2020

SUNDAY MASS TIMES CHANGING IN SEPTEMBER – because of the increase in attendance we are adding one more Mass in English on Sunday mornings, and readjusting the times of the Masses.

AUGUST 23 and 30, 2020.
THE CHURCH IS OPEN FOR MASS (in English) at 8:30AM AND 11:30AM – live streamed – (WITH SOME ORGAN MUSIC), and at 10am – live streamed – and 7:30pm for Mass in Polish.  Numbers are limited to 80 so please book a place here.

YouTube channel to participate in the Mass.

MASS IN ENGLISH at 8am; 9:30am and 11am (streamed)
MASS IN POLISH at 12:30pm (streamed) and &:30pm

NEW CHURCH OPENING ARRANGMENTSPlease click on this link.
We need volunteers to be stewards when the church is open,
and also to help with cleaning the church.


FACEMASKS COMPULSORY: for everyone’s safety you  must wear a facemask coming into the church for any reason, and entering into the presbytery e.g. for Sacrament of ReconciliationThere are automatic hand sanitizer machines at all entrances.


Church Open Times
Sundays in August, Mass at 8.30am; 10am (Polish with streaming); 11.30am (with streaming); 7.30pm Polish.
Distribution of Holy Communion, Sunday 12:30 – 1:30pm
Sundays from September: Mass at 8am; 9:30am; 11am (English with streaming); 12:30pm (Polish with streaming); 7:30pm (Polish)

Every weekday: 10am Mass, after which the church is closed.